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Not the right fit? We completely understand. Please read through our Return Policy’s FAQ below to proceed with the option that suits your needs best.

Can I return or exchange my purchase?

No problem! Whether you placed an order online or purchased in-store, all regular priced items can be returned for refund or exchanged for replacement within 28 days of purchase.

To be eligible for a refund or an exchange, please ensure that your items are unworn/unused, in their original packaging with tags still attached, and in the same condition that you received them in. We will also require a receipt or proof of purchase.

Unfortunately, any items that exceed our Return Policy’s 28-day window are ineligible for refund or exchange. We also retain the right to refuse any returns or exchanges if the item(s) are not in the same condition in which they were purchased.


How do I return or exchange my item(s)?

For Online Returns:

Items purchased online at can be returned by mail within 28 days of the original purchase. To initiate a return, please visit our Returns page to submit a request.

You’ll need your order number and the email address you used to place the order, and then you can select the item(s) you wish to return.

Once your return request is submitted, our Customer Experience team will get back to you as soon as possible upon review. Approval may take up to 5 business days and requests may be declined if items do not satisfy the requirements of our Return Policy. Please note, sale products and release products are not eligible for return or exchange.

Once authorized, we will contact you with further instruction and send your pre-paid shipping label via email.

Please make sure your items are securely packaged for return, place the label onto the box, and ship it back to us for inspection.

All return packages must be received back within 10 days of the label issue date, or they may be subject to refusal.  

Please note, we reserve the right to refuse all unauthorized returns or exchanges — and they will be subject to a reshipment fee or a 25% restocking fee upon further review. 

For In-Store Returns:

Items purchased in-store at one of our size? locations can be returned for a refund or exchange within 28 days of the original purchase. To initiate a return, please visit our store with your receipt and the item(s) you wish to return.

You'll need to present your receipt and ensure that the item(s) are in the same condition as when purchased. Once your return is approved by our store staff, we will proceed with the refund or exchange immediately. Please note, sale products and release products are not eligible for return or exchange.

Please ensure that your items are in their original condition for the return. Items that do not meet our Return Policy requirements may be declined.


Can I return an item that I bought from a size? location/website outside of Canada?

Unfortunately, we only accept returns for items purchased online at or in-store at one of our size? locations in Canada.

If you purchased an item from a size? location or website outside of Canada, please contact them to initiate a return instead.


Can I return an item that was on sale or marked as “Final Sale”?

Unfortunately, items that are on sale or marked as “Final Sale” cannot be returned for a refund or an exchange.

"Final Sale" indicates that the item is not eligible for return, exchange, or cancellation. This may include but is not limited to: products that are on sale or purchased using a promotional code; all products purchased on their scheduled release date or purchased during a raffle; any purchases made while a "Final Sale" disclaimer is noted on the product page; and orders with an indication that a bot/restock monitor has been used.


How much does it cost to return my order?

All shipping costs related to a return are the customer’s responsibility. Shipping costs are non-refundable.

Once your return request is authorized, we will send you a pre-paid shipping label for return.

Upon receiving your return for inspection and approval, the cost of the pre-paid shipping label will be deducted from your refund, or it will be invoiced to you before we ship out your exchange item(s).  

The cost of shipping may vary depending on where you live, so we’ll let you know how much return shipping costs when we send you a pre-paid shipping label.

How long will it take to receive my refund?

Online Refunds

Once your return is received and inspected, we will send you an email notification stating whether a refund has been approved or denied.

If your return is approved, then your refund will be automatically processed, and a credit will be applied to your original method of payment within 5-7 business days.

If your return is denied, we’ll reach out to determine whether you would like to have your item(s) shipped back to you at your own expense, or if you would like to receive a refund minus a 25% restocking fee.

In-Store Refunds

Once your return is received, inspected, and approved in-store, our store staff will issue you a refund immediately for your returned item(s). The refund will be applied to your original method of payment, and it may take up to 1-7 business days to process.

If you haven’t received your refund after 7 business days, please contact your bank, credit card company, or service of payment. Your refund may be subject to additional processing time before being posted.

If you’ve done all of this and you still have not received your refund, please contact us at

How long will it take to process my return or exchange if I ship my item(s) back?

Depending on your shipping address, return and exchange times may vary. If you are experiencing a transit delay, please reach out to us at and we’ll look into your order as soon as possible.

Can I cancel my order before it ships?

Absolutely! Please contact us at and we will cancel your order as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, if your order has already shipped out, you will have to wait for your package to be delivered and initiate a regular return/exchange through the form above.

All items marked “Final Sale” are not eligible for cancellation, and may be subject to a 25% restocking fee. Refused shipments, sequential orders, or orders indicative of bot activity may also be subject to a 25% restocking fee if cancelled, and subject to additional shipping fees where applicable.